Down Alternative Comforter

A goose-down comforter is the ultimate in warmth and luxury, but a small but significant slice of the population are unable to enjoy them. People allergic to feathers are denied it's soft embrace. There are some who, no matter how many times the down is washed in the manufacture of the comforter, can't abide the smell. Then there are people, such as vegetarians and vegans, whose ethics prevent them from using animal products.

Then along came down alternative comforters, and everyone can enjoy the downy-soft yet powerfully warm properties these quilts possess. Even on the rawest, coldest, most stormy nights on the Pacific Northwest Coast, one down alternative comforter keeps the sleeper toasty warm. They are incredibly light and not bulky at all. One of the best features are that they are wonderfully easy to launder. Wash it, put it in the dryer for a short amount of time, and it is back on the bed.

The down alternative comforter shares the properties of thermal blankets as well. It is the perfect light covering for a summer night that gets a bit too cool for just a sheet. When the heat returns, it folds down into a manageable size for storing in a closet.

The manufacturers of down alternative comforters use a range of beautiful fabrics. Moleskin (which is a suede fabric alternative) makes a handsome quilt. Satin is another very nice comforter cover. Cotton is nice as well. Because down alternative doesn't bunch up, duvet covers can be used and changed at will.

Down alternative comforters are sturdier than their good looks suggest. The comforter on my bed has seen nearly daily use for three years, and looks and feels as good as the day it was purchased.

I would purchase another down alternative comforter, but my original one refuses to wear out!

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